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Friday, February 20, 2015

NHS Art Students Chosen for 2015 Indiana High School Junior Art Invitiational

Indiana art teachers are invited to submit the best examples of their junior students’ works for this juried exhibition. Results are announced at the opening reception. Prizes include Herron scholarships of $2,000, $1,000 and $500 for the first, second and third placing works. The top five students also earn scholarships to Honors Art and Design in the summer.  The four NHS students are in the running for this prestigious award include:

-Grace Bocko
-Faith Heminger
-Emily Richardson
-Connor Knoll

Exhibit will be on display at:
Marsh Gallery
February 28 - March 14
Opening Reception: 
Opening Reception &
Awards Presentation
Saturday, February 28, 2015
2:00 p.m.

What's Happening at NHS Art: Sculpture

Sculpture I students are exploring innovation through the design of a chair.  Why a chair you ask?  Mr. Helming, Sculpture I teacher, explains "the purpose of the chair is to show innovation.  Why change something that has the same end result= sitting.  If not we would not have the variety in furniture design that we have today."
Mr. Helming has his students focus on Voice by visually depicting a narrative that reflects the student artist in their work.  Jack Ramey, Sculpture i student, explains: "Chairs are personal, you sit in them, they are a part of your home so it lends to your voice and story."

Another student, Kiersten described her planning process by explaining, "chairs are more challenging then the other sculptures like plaster we did in class.  They have a function and so it pushes us."
Mr. Helming shows his students different perspectives through the research of many types of chairs and the evolution of furniture design.
Designs vary from student to student according to how each artist wishes to express his or her voice visually in the piece.  After the initial research of chairs, students are asked to make a "mockette" of their final design to picture their composition in the round as well as in its final state.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tape Mural: Tell us what your think!

Intro to 3D students have been busy covering the walls of NHS with murals made of painter's tape.  The concept behind these pieces of "street art" are the NHS mission statement of: engage, empower, & inspire.  After researching the art of fellow streets artists like Banksy and Space Invader, these students had to simplify their images to best get their point across to their audience.  Give us some feedback, be a part of the conversation!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015